Recap: Authmen AMA in Trias Community

6 min readFeb 4, 2021


Host: Hello Samir! Before we start the AMA, can you introduce yourself and Authmen briefly?

I’m Samir, a volunteer from Authmen community. From the beginning of Authmen, I began to pay attention to it, and became its volunteer, spontaneously promoting Authmen to the outside community.

Authmen is a trusted blockchain storage protocol. It is a new storage scheme based on the distributed idea of blockchain. It mainly solves the problems of data storage and data flow. Using trusted blockchain technology distributed high availability, open and transparent, tamper proof, information security and other technical characteristics, to build information security tamper proof and traceability system.

Twitter questions

The first question from @CalebKure

How is $Authmen different from other decentralized storage projects? On the crypto space

Decentralized storage is a very important branch of blockchain system, and there will be a very large market in the future. At present, there are many decentralized storage projects in the market, like Filecoin, Storj, Sia, Crust, etc.

From the same point of view, Authmen is similar to other decentralized storage projects in that the server is controlled by non centralized service providers, which completely avoids the adverse impact of local interruption and denial of service attacks on stored files.In addition, users of these distributed storage projects can host files in a decentralized way, which can provide more relaxed storage services on the premise of ensuring file security.

From different points of view, Authmen pays more attention to the node’s trustworthiness, and is committed to building a trusted blockchain storage protocol.

Since distributed storage mainly depends on decentralized nodes, storage proof consensus algorithm is needed for spatial consensus. If the consensus algorithm is missing, it can not make other nodes trust, and can not solve the problems of whether the space of a node is enough to store data, whether the stored files or copies have been lost. By relying on the trusted technology of Trias to calculate the high-quality nodes, the Authmen network not only realizes efficient consensus, but also avoids the influence of human interference on DPOS, and increases the transparency and fairness of the system.

The advantages of Authmen can be summarized as the followings:

1.Transparency: the storage mechanism is open and transparent.

2. Fairness: the workload and reward calculation of work nodes are protected by TEE, and the nodes need not worry that their workload will not be rewarded, and they can not get extra rewards through cheating.

3. Efficiency: the proof of storage capacity does not require the challenge of large amount of redundancy, nor does it need to store any meaningless data. Both computing and storage resources can be efficiently utilized.

4. Scalability: TEE supports complete computing, and has the potential of continuous development. Authmen ecosystem can achieve more powerful functions to ensure the development of evolution from storage consensus to computing consensus.


How secure will the platform be?How will you protect users’ money from hackers and other malicious parties? I would like to know if you’ve completed any security audits? Perhaps by third-parties?

Authmen network is a high-quality node calculated by relying on Trias’ trusted technology, which not only realizes efficient consensus, but also avoids the influence of human interference on DPOS, and increases the transparency and fairness of the system.

Leviatom “-1 layer” network is a decentralized trusted computing architecture. With the support of TEE environment, it plays a role in protecting the security of consensus nodes from the attack of malicious programs and ensuring that the malicious programs running on consensus nodes are zero. At the same time, super node is formed based on TEE election model, which ensures that the system operation is more fair, more secure and more efficient.

Leviatom’s “-1 layer” network also provides a pluggable ledger with unified interface access. This layer can integrate Ethereum, etc., and use the characteristics of their ledgers to support the original smart contracts of these chains and realize the cross chain transmission of heterogeneous data. In the development, through the interface provided by the “-1 layer” network, developers can use various development languages.


As far as I know, NFTs are the most interesting non-DeFi innovation in the blockchain ecosystem. Do you have any estimate of how valuable the NFTs offered by Authmen are?

Authmen innovatively introduces NFT into liquidity mining. Users can mine in the mine pool through their own Authmen NFTs to obtain AUTH tokens. Different levels of NFTs have different mining efficiency.

Authmen NFT is a kind of computational NFT with actual storage as endorsement and cast by ERC-1155 standard. Users can obtain Authmen NFT by consuming AUTH, and destroy low-level NFT to obtain higher-level NFTs, so as to obtain more computing power and storage capacity.

The types of NFTs and the corresponding mining power are shown in the table below:

There are two methods to get Authmen NFT:

Method 1

Users can use special NFT incubated by Trias token (TRY) to participate in mining, and participants can lock in 2000000 Trias token (TRY) for 30 days to get a free auth-1 NFTs for mining.

Method 2

Users acquire an AUTH-1 NFTs by consuming 60 AUTH acquired by purchase or airdrop.

Both methods can then consume low-level NFTs and auth to obtain higher-level NFTs with greater computational power (see the above table for details).

You can check our website for more infomation:


How long will it take to finish Authmen’s first product. From what point can we actually know the specifics of the Nft’s capabilities. Potential investors want to know the storage- capabilities to draw value conclusions.

As I heard, at present, the project is under constant development, and the specific online time can not be determined. After the product development is completed, it will be deployed to Trias and Huobi ecology (HECO) respectively.

For Authmen NFT, the capabilities can be confirmed after the product launches on line. Each NFT represents specific computing power and storage capacity. And Authmen NFT will launch on some NFT auction platforms to trade freely in NFT market in the future.


Farming is very popular nowadays but do Authmen plan to add more features in your platform like staking -lending -buyback or mining with your tokens? What other ways to enjoy and earn with Authmen ?

Yeah. Actually Authmen just started its liquidity mining. Let me introduce the steps of Authmen liquidity mining.

The liquidity mining for AUTH token involves two steps:

1.Stake one piece of NFT to determine your mining rate.

2.Provide liquidity to the AUTH liquidity pool on Uniswap and stake the Uniswap LP tokens.

The mining rate is based on two factors:

1.The level of NFT you stake for mining;

2.Your staked LP tokens in comparison to the pool total.

The NFT mining power is listed in the table above. The percentage of one’s LP tokens staked in the mining pool will affect the mining power:

Here is a step by step tutorial for Authmen liquidity mining:

Check out please

