How is Authmen different from other decentralized storage projects?

3 min readJan 26, 2021

In 2025, the global data storage capacity will reach 175 ZB. Relying solely on centralized storage, we can imagine the resource problem caused by the huge amount of data in the later stage. Therefore, the decentralized storage market is huge in the future, but there are still not many decentralized storage projects that can be implemented.

According to the implementation logic, the projects represented by Filecoin, Arweave and crust can be divided into the incentive layer of content-based file sharing network, while the projects represented by Sia and Storj are more inclined to share their hard disk space through incentive token.

BitTorrent with 100 million users is the earliest decentralized storage project. However, due to its lack of profitable business model, until 2019, TRON acquired it and launched BTT incentive token. However, at present, it seems that BTT is more famous than real.

Filecoin has the largest amount of financing in decentralized projects, with an accumulated amount of US $257 million. It encourages peer-to-peer storage through block reward, handling charge and service charge, and matches the supply and demand of storage through optimized Kademelia algorithm. At the same time, Crust also adapts to a variety of storage protocols including IPFS.

Storj and Sia are more inclined to provide electronic network disk, which does not require actual storage. As long as they provide storage space, they can mine, which has no practical value. SIA provides negotiation and communication space for different nodes in P2P storage network by means of built-in intelligent contract.

From the same point of view, Authmen is similar to other decentralized storage projects in that the server is controlled by non centralized service providers, which completely avoids the adverse impact of local interruption and denial of service attacks on stored files.In addition, users of these distributed storage projects can host files in a decentralized way, which can provide more relaxed storage services on the premise of ensuring file security.

From different points of view, Authmen pays more attention to the node’s trustworthiness, and is committed to building a trusted blockchain storage protocol.

Since distributed storage mainly depends on decentralized nodes, storage proof consensus algorithm is needed for spatial consensus. If the consensus algorithm is missing, it can not make other nodes trust, and can not solve the problems of whether the space of a node is enough to store data, whether the stored files or copies have been lost. By relying on the trusted technology of Trias to calculate the high-quality nodes, the Authmen network not only realizes efficient consensus, but also avoids the influence of human interference on DPOS, and increases the transparency and fairness of the system.

In the incentive model, Authmen innovatively puts forward NFT + liquidity mining method, users can get auth token through their own Authmen NFTs. Authmen can attract users quickly in the early stage by combining the elements of DeFi and adding scenarios for NFT, such as exchanging storage space. In the later stage, through the opening of financial products such as NFT trading and pledge lending, the use scenarios of Authmen will be further increased, which will continue to bring benefits to users.

In addition to mining rewards, data on the Authmen network can also bring value to users. Users can manage, authorize and delete data through confidentiality contracts. Authmen will also provide a trading market where users can make a profit by collecting their own data. The demander will pay auth as the reward for using network resources and source data, while auth will pay the user who provides source data auth as the reward for providing data, and the miner will get auth as the reward for providing computing power. Both data miners and computational miners can get long-term benefits in the Authmen network.

The following is the comparison between Authmen and other projects:

