Authmen Onepager

3 min readDec 17, 2020

What is Authmen?

Authmen is a trusted blockchain storage protocol. It is a new storage scheme based on the distributed idea of blockchain. It mainly solves the problems of data storage and data flow. Using trusted blockchain technology distributed high availability, open and transparent, tamper proof, information security and other technical characteristics, to build information security tamper proof and traceability system.

What problems does Authmen solve?

Because the distributed storage mainly depends on the decentralized node structure, the storage proof consensus algorithm is needed for spatial consensus. If the consensus algorithm is missing, other nodes can not be trusted, and the problems such as whether the space for a node is enough to store data, whether the stored files or copies, have been lost can not be solved.

At present, most of the blockchains with storage characteristics in the market only recognize the storage capacity of blockchain nodes subjectively. They can not achieve a trusted node from the mathematical and computer algorithms, and can not achieve safe and reliable trust for the stored data, which violates the original intention of the blockchain to build trusted data and nodes.

Authmen is a middleware to solve all kinds of confusion and problems of distributed storage protocol.

Highlights of Authmen

1. More efficient and secure storage

2. Real tamper proof technology

3. Wider application scenarios

4. Trusted storage node

The advantages of Authmen

  1. Transparency: the storage mechanism is open and transparent.

2. Fairness: the workload and reward calculation of work nodes are protected by TEE, and the nodes need not worry that their workload will not be rewarded, and they can not get extra rewards through cheating.

3. Efficiency: the proof of storage capacity does not require the challenge of large amount of redundancy, nor does it need to store any meaningless data. Both computing and storage resources can be efficiently utilized.

4. Scalability: TEE supports complete computing, and has the potential of continuous development. Authmen ecosystem can achieve more powerful functions to ensure the development of evolution from storage consensus to computing consensus.

AUTH Token Metrics

Token Ticketer: AUTH

Total supply: 10,000,000 (10 million tokens)

Liquidity Mining: 8,000,000 (80%)

Public Sale: 400,000 (4%)

Marketing: 500,000 (5%)

Ecosystem Reserve: 1,000,000 (10%)

Uniswap Liquidity Provision: 100,000 (1%)

Token release schedule and Lockups

● Liquidity mining follows mining rate (1 million per year for 8 years. Starting a few weeks after bounce sale).

● Public sale tokens will be liquid right after the sale.

● Marketing tokens are released 1/10 per 3 months after the public sale. Tokens will be used for airdrops and marketing purposes.

● Ecosystem reserve: one-year lockup and then can be allocated based on governance voting.

● Uniswap liquidity provision immediately supplied after public sale.

NFT Mining

Authmen innovatively introduces NFT into liquidity mining. Users can mine in the mine pool through their own Authmen NFTs to obtain AUTH tokens. Different levels of NFTs have different mining efficiency.

Authmen NFT has multiple functions:
1. NFT (based on ERC1155 standard) determines the computational power of participants in liquidity mining;
2. NFT makes endorsements with actual storage. When the Authmen storage network goes online, NFT holders can redeem the storage;
3. Users can destroy NFT to obtain higher-level NFTs, thus obtaining greater storage capacity.

Authmen NFT type:

Each NFT represents specific computing power and storage capacity. In order to obtain a higher level of NFT, participants need to start with AUTH-1 and continue to replace the lower version with the higher version.

